Calendar & Rates
for Classes, Workshops and Events at The Yoga Place, Bennington, VT
Some classes also available on Zoom
January - April 30, 2025 Mondays: Easy Does It Yoga with Jane, (Hybrid e.g. also on Zoom) 10:00AM-11:15AM Chair Yoga, Jane, (Hybrid) 12noon-1PM. Vinyasa Flow and Restore Yoga w Allison Rogge. 5:30-6:45PM. Tuesdays: Gentle YOGA with Charles (Hybrid) 10:00-11:15AM. Lunch Hour Yoga Noon. March/April. Very Beginner Yoga w Jane. (NEW) 5:15-6:15PM Wednesdays: Easy Vinyasa Yoga w/ Allison Rogge. 7:30-8:30AM Mixed Level Vinyasa Flow Yoga w/ Allison (NEW) 9:00-10:15AM Anusara Style Yoga w/ Carol Steinmetz 11:00AM-12:15PM Evening Flow with Sound Bath (NEW) w/ Suzy Pence 5:15-6:15pm Thursdays: Gentle Yoga w/ Charles (Hybrid) 10:00-11:15 AM Fridays: Mixed Levels Flow Yoga w Angela Rocca 10:30-11:45 AM Saturdays: Old School Vinyasa Yoga w Peter Rizzo (Hybrid) 9 - 11AM 1st and 3rd Saturdays (and sometimes 5th) Note: This class is "by donation". It is not included in your pass. More to come on this subject of "donation" Vinyasa Flow w Nancy Brooks 9AM - 10:15AM 2nd and 4th Saturdays (and sometimes 5th) Also see our upcoming workshops! $15 Drop in rate $55 for 4 class pass $60 for 5 class pass $99 for 9 class pass $180 for 18 classes $198 - 18 Class Pass for Zoomers ( because it costs us more). Pay with cash or check at the studio, Or send a check to my mailing address, Or Paypal ([email protected], please check "friends and family") Mailing Address: The Yoga Place, c/o Jane Schaeffer, 395 Overlea Rd, North Bennington, VT 05257 Note: Peter prefers to offer his class "by donation" e.g. pay what you feel the class is worth. He does not wish to have a"paywall" between him and the student. For more information: Call 802-447-0393 • [email protected] |
Find Us atThe Yoga Place
532 Main St. Bennington, VT 05346 Tel. (802) 447-0393 |